All posts by winnieup

[20220909 – 不太美麗人生]

不如掉頭。 這念頭,一直徘徊在心頭。 眼耳鼻口,控制不了四肢抗拒不了四周,腦袋堅持向著目的地漫無目的地繼續走。 波箱一直在五波停留,景色像要隱居退後、風悶悶的在兜,太陽陪伴了我兩小時後,也撐不住疲倦的白晝,不向我揮手便忍心的拋下我沉到山後﹔令一望無際的天空也有了盡頭,盡頭是深藍色的衣袖,衣袖裡黑色在滲透。 染得通紅的雲霞和溜得飛快的光陰留下來伴我闖進這衣袖,開始在夜幕下蕩遊…… 

我萬念俱灰的緣由,來自北川悅吏子的虛構。 劇中女主角在車中伸出的手,開始了他劇終愛的無盡頭。 圖書館外泊車的要求,讓他看見她雙腿的殘缺及駕車的雙手。 他無視一切名人與階級、正常與殘疾的操守,使她看在眼中放下大石在心頭﹔她無意向命運低頭、對生命不屈不撓,令他欽佩仰慕誓要伴她走到生命盡頭。 愛情在無聲和無色中成就、在鬥氣與放棄間延展至千絲萬縷。 她曾為他的將來著想數度從感情中出走,勉強擠出理由︰她殘疾身軀會拖累他光輝的日後,於是她抽身退後,好讓他另覓女友﹔不知道愛情是沒有理論和理由、只有感動和感受。 他與她約會不會瞻前顧後,對途人奇異眼光亳不接收﹔他與她生活不嫌麻煩礙手,對人生殘酷命運亳不顫抖。 他對她說怎麼樣的人生也可以找幸福同遊,用不同的方式去戰勝命中的荒謬﹔他對自己說怎麼樣的困境也需要與堅強攜手,以不掉的眼淚來証明心中在搏鬥…… 大抵一般人也不敵『命運』這對手,心有不甘力有不逮地被迫向現實低頭。 縱使在她病情惡化前他們有無限毅力意志支撐在心底背後,他倆的愛情也贏不了這一仗阻不了病魔彌留。 白白讓倒下的倒下離去的離去遠走的遠走。 剩下他一個人背負著兩人的夢想孤獨地生存在對她永遠的思念裡頭……

在她生存在四十三份之三十的生存機會率裡的時候,他始終也不離不棄對她至死不渝地與她於一百厘米高的視線漫遊﹔在她與世長辭後,他真的在海邊築了間夢想中用木建成的髮型屋養著他們一起飼養過的那頭狗。 為甚麼他仍覺得愛她不夠﹖ 這是戀愛的高尚與溫柔,還是宿命的愚弄與詛咒﹖ 我想著想著漸漸纏著死結在心頭 – 忘記了他精彩絕倫的演出只不過是故事的結構、漂亮的眼睛也不過把劇情傳達透﹔卻竟已把我的心弦緊扣,我投入戲中抽不離退不後﹔有著與他同樣的切膚感受,生離死別的悲愁!

我關上電視機踏出門口,要清一清腦海視線和咽喉。 我在夕陽西沉以前完成整套『美麗人生』以後,驅車飛馳在沒有路牌的高速公路上,最終也沒有掉頭。

Copyright © 2022 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20201212 – 有明歲月《黃耀明》]

不認同精選大碟,不喜歡舊歌翻唱,不需要大特寫相片封面 – 不過因為是他,所有原則定律也作罷,一切規則條文也成廢話。[『有明歲月』,新曲收錄舊歌翻唱加精選重溫。]

歌曲是偷閒一刻的娛樂,歌聲是傳頌歌曲的聲音,歌詞是附和音樂的裝飾 – 不過因為是他,甚麼都應份不了,假設不到,推斷不來。[『黃耀明』,他的歌曲並非是娛樂歌聲不只是聲音歌詞不單是裝飾。]


彷彿,空氣中每種粒子都受他的音樂控制住,分秒光陰都落入他的音樂中。 因為他的歌聲,都像他本人一樣,遙不可及。

『像遠方天邊的星星多麼遠』,充滿深度和貴氣。 並不是隨手拿來,想聽便聽。







無論是第一次試聽的新歌也好,聽了一萬七千次的舊歌也如是。 因為從第一粒音符開始奏起,幾乎每一節樂章都藏著靈魂。





他全神貫注的唱,要聽眾小心翼翼的聽。 聽罷但覺另有風格、別有韻味;沒有重複抄襲之嫌,卻有錦上添花之嘆! 就有如為即將萌芽發花的初生種子灌溉,注入新生命;又如將曾經開花結果卻快要凋謝的植物澆水,令其再生長……都不能夠貼切地形容他在翻唱別人的歌時怎樣費盡心神聲嘶力竭。


聽著想著,有明歲月,如此這般,不覺已經年 。。。

Copyright © 2020 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20200404 – 繞樑三日]


我低姿態地咀嚼著低脂蛋糕,越覺得以這現代化高科技產物配咖啡因略為糟糕;與手中捧著的心愛作者的新書一樣無甚味道。希望越大失望越大絕望越近只因期望太高?! 我花了五小時時間逛了四間書店再三搜捕,又輕而易舉地見她作品琳瑯滿佈,可惜我一面翻閱但覺滿目瘡痍慘不忍睹!她有她的作品恆河沙數,挾文壇才女稱號、活躍歌詞書刊戲劇日報,踏上文藝星途;我心頭為她喝采叫好、心底委實不知所措。她從前舊作頗具雕刻難度、活現行文情操;內容創作出奇制勝想像力豐富可觀性甚高;目下新作少談天說地獨特奇想多男歡女愛親密關係稍落俗套。現在我一目十行看不到其深度、過目即忘看得見其潦草。我心情沉重黯然神傷搞不清想不明估不到,她推新出陳穿鑿附會呆滯刻板陳腔濫調的妥協程度。是我要求過高,標準太難達到;還是新時代文化低落文字沒落下於唱片騎師雜誌記者外另一文人淪落委曲求全的預告?! 惟願她早日回頭是岸自我檢討、別繼續技高一籌博學多才鶴立雞群卻深藏不露!




弟弟與女友多得報紙雜誌週刊,合力吹捧大肆宣揚,好奇於這「扒王」以新鮮美國入口牛排作標榜。他們興高采烈為試這扒房,不惜於冷風凜冽沙塵滾滾下在門外排隊也不相干,花四十五分鐘看附近一帶靜中帶旺。入座點餐時發現侍應腳亂手忙,便不敢對服務態度有所期望。上碟時見扒不在鐵板上,當下覺得不大妥當,伙計搶先搭嘴解釋『這種牛扒不宜太熟避免加熱故以普通碟上』。他們儘管信他一趟;然而下手卻似在切牛肉乾!弟弟愛扒如命到處品嚐,也從未遇這麼貴價牛扒會如斯長相;此時經理見狀,他慢條斯理地不慌不忙,高聲維護說『這種牛扒必須偏熟應該加熱故應以鐵板上』 – 與先前侍應的論調完全相反方向!他還變本加厲態度甚囂塵上,大條道理來歪曲事實真相:誇口擔保牛排真材實料天天美國空運到港、拍心口口不對心地撒謊;好像看得穿在這世上,沒有美國居民會回來香港,回香港不會到其餐廳品嚐,這裡的所謂美國扒王!

 [原稿寫於 2000 年 3月15日]

Copyright © 2020 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20200303 – 貼錢買難受]

抱著日本雜誌在手, 於信和地庫某舖頭, 見售貨員黑面黑口。在付款時禮貌地向他詢問該店接受信用卡與否? 店員以理直氣壯理所當然口吻表示要價錢的3% 手續附費加收。我隨便怨了句說這是哪裡來的理由, 他搶答辯:『小姐我唔係淨係收你一個、個個客簽卡我都照收』;  我不慎順口洩露了先進國家如美國已不再以此規矩作壓榨顧客藉口,他急促趕緊辯駁說這裡是香港不是美洲。總之想簽卡便要屈就、不屑便請掉頭走,只見他兇神惡煞似不稀罕我光顧像再多廢話便要『隻揪』、有買趁手無買快溜, 莫阻他態度惡劣坐地起價服務奇差下店裡還水洩不通的人流; 我低聲下氣心平氣和照單全收。慶幸身旁老友, 她看不過眼替我出口:『3%不是問題, 態度問題而已』才一洩我悶氣在心頭!

再到荷里活中心商場一樓, 為想購回王菲某唱片她有交叉髮夾夾在頭。我一時忘記字到唇邊卻擠不出唱片名字只知『我願意』是其中一首。售貨員似不甘予同行示弱又施展混身解數板著臉孔提高嗓喉:『甚麼王菲我願意呀、好似無隻碟叫我願意喎』地嗌出口。我被他當頭棒喝忽然拾回記憶想起碟名是『迷』便即時糾正誤繆。他順勢加鞭道:『迷』呀?『我願意』?! 語氣鄙視如詛咒。我因他服務欠奉對答欠善態度欠佳又忘了他剛才已告訴我的價目後, 又再度顫抖, 惟有咬緊牙關問他多一次再抬起頭。他:『剛剛講完你又唔記得, 駛唔駛我打個價錢落隻碟度比你呀?』便火速出手, 瞬間便將『$90』緊貼在王菲唱片封套上的右手。我已來不及反應趕不及決定是『唔該』還是『唔駛』也不知應該笑或嬲。

以上交易著實令人難於入手, 教人摸不著頭; 找不著辦法對答如流, 抓不緊時機反擊還手; 沒渠道讓大眾一洩憤憂, 有能力叫大家一世記仇。如此這般惡性循環因循守舊,這些少眾店舖難道會有出頭? 怕且只成為社會淤血令經濟腐朽, 阻礙進步有礙觀瞻格外出醜。不論顧客是長期在港居留、或是短線過港旅遊, 都清楚看得見香港與外國在服務性業界間的一道深厚鴻溝。和平與愛及友善笑臉難道香港永遠都無福消受?!

[原稿寫於 2000 年 3月1日]

Copyright © 2020 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20200202 – 多得他] ~ A Tribute to My Dearest Father (1946-2020) by 李均榮個女

在女人街看見木村拓哉掛畫海報,他於是提起飛快腳步,想立即為她買下心頭好。 不過見價錢稍為偏高,便主動開口與老闆講數︰說一百元不太值七十元好不好﹖ 檔口主人當然心中有數,知這些偶像玩意只有三分鐘熱度,現在不賣明天恐怕已成路邊雜草,不會有人肯出兩角一亳;相信今日已無人會採購數十年前的近藤真彥海報…… 故他見這樣一條『水魚』來到,不期然眉開眼笑動用其生意頭腦,便拿出他的所有海報,將笑容盡情綻露。 他為了對她的討好,毫不猶豫便掏出銀包將銀紙一數,像小影迷般買下檔中存貨的全部。 她當場拍案叫絕拍掌叫好,還立刻籌算牆上的玻璃架應該怎麼樣的分佈,可以怎麼樣的密度。

在『綠色和平』時裝店仍然存在的年度,他與她在伊利沙伯大廈踱步。 這時她正注視著櫥窗中一對法國牌子的爬山鞋上黑色格仔布,思考著價錢反映的並非是質素,而是該牌子的人氣指數;心裡盤算著若真的把它買下他的同意程度﹖ 便開始胡扯問他這雙她不會穿來爬山的爬山鞋老不老土;落不落俗套﹖ 他對她之問題不明所以不屑一顧不知所措,不如不答好;因為他知她購物從來不卻步,不吝嗇不計算不看銀行存摺簿;他不怪她揮霍無度,還贈予她無限額金色信用卡讓她於零用錢外有所幫補。 此刻他在旁極力慫恿推波助瀾警告她手快有手慢無…… 誰知當她遲疑不決之際他已搶先一步,付了錢買下了棗紅色靴子 – 大英帝國製造!

七年後她在美國轉工要另覓出路,正準備行程打算由東岸驅車駛往中部,駛向新的環境及前途。 於是提議他也陪她一度,可以因利乘便環遊美國領土。 他卻再三推搪提出種種問題和因素,推辭說來不了美國國度,抱歉說辦不到照顧周到。 還不斷千叮萬囑要她小心上路:獨自跨越美洲一個人在路途,要攜帶足夠衣服食物最新路線地圖,早晚切勿著涼切記穿著外套;更要儘量避見陌生人避免陌生路,駕車別要太長途;抵達每處務必給他報到…… 到她執拾行裝之時滿心絕望之際整裝待發之前他卻來電報告︰已經買了機票明天起步,叫她二十小時後往機場迎接他的腳步 — 原來他一早,已想著要這樣做;之前一切都是誤導,她又蠢得如此糊塗,完全地墮入他的圈套,被他這樣一來驚喜交雜的效果果然達到!

他也斷不會讓她獨上征途 – 只因為這對父女相交甚篤關係甚要好,共處全沒代溝毫無爭拗絕不枯燥! 我,這個她,要趁這個父親節向他致意為他喝采叫好;感激他提供像以上一類非常有趣的生活情操! 我還要多謝他帶予我他的妻子我的母親她衣物比我多染髮比我早、比我先用Moschino! 以及攜帶MD機和手機於老人院幫忙做義工的他的母親我的祖母! 他還給我兩個可愛的細佬:懂繪畫的一個替我剪報紙買海報儲梵高;曉結他的一個為我砌模型找音樂儲BEETLE!

[原稿寫於 2000 年 6月15日 父親節]

Copyright © 2020 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20170228.1 X Japan @ London 2017 ~ We Are X Premiere]


Although taking the London Underground was not something new to me, when I saw the poster of the film We Are X on the walls of the tube station, I could not help but shooting tons of photographs of and with them. I did not count exactly how many stations in which this sheet of ad was advertised, but basically this ad appeared to all of the the tube stations I stepped in.


In order to welcome the great day of possibly meeting Yoshiki and the director Stephen Kijak in person in a short distance at the film’s Premiere in London, as early as I could, I went to check out the Picturehouse Central location at Piccadilly Circus in London.  It was arranged that there would be Premiere of the film We Are X followed by a Q&A session with them.

I arrived at the venue three hours in advance. The Picturehouse Central is situated in London’s 19th-century, Grade II-listed Trocadero building. It is gorgeous inside and out, housing a coffee shop on the first floor and a cafe on the second, where the screens on the third floor and up.  Visiting this building could be of a relaxing and rewarding tour itself.

Immediately after entering the Picturehouse, an enormous red staircase captured my eyes. The red tiles shined all over the floor. Above the colorful staircase, countless number of light bulbs were hanging down from the ceiling irregularly. The red staircase served as the “Red Carpet” and I was told that anyone who comes in must walk through and up on the red staircase before he/she could reach the upper floors for press conference, reception party, and to any of the screens for the films.  I found a coffee table upstairs for myself and planned to spend the time before the film premiere enjoying my afternoon cake there on top of the red staircase. That must be the best spot to watch Yoshiki walk up, I thought.

After half way through my cake, unexpected I was asked to move away from the coffee table – the best spot to catch Yoshiki. The staff needed to reshuffle the seats and tables for better layout for the film premiere.  Disappointedly, I rushed to finish my cake and left my seat. At the same time, I started seeing people coming in with professional cameras, flowers, and gifts. The Picturehouse was filled with excitement, press, fans, and my heartbeat.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of me and this was the director. “Stephen,” I said to him. I thanked him for tweeting my previous article about the We Are X film. His reaction told me that he did not know me and was surprised to hear me talking to him while he was expecting someone whom he knew to escort him to the press conference area, which was held at the cafe on the second floor.

Unfortunately the responsible person did not show up on time to welcome this VIP. Poor Mr. Director was stuck at the entrance with a security guard blocking his way.  I tried to convinced the security guard that Stephen is indeed the director of the film and he should let him in. The guard insisted that without any proof he would not believe that Stephen was the director, and therefore could not let him in.

I, knowing what was going on for the past few hours, decided to help this stranger out. Several minutes later, I helped him find the organizer whom I met earlier in the cafe, and eventually the director found a way to go… Stephen was so pleased that I found him the right person so he could gain access to the press conference.  Before he entered the prohibited area, he gave me a big “thank you” by accepting my request and gladly took a selfie with me.[20170228©winnieup.StephenKijak@WeAreXPremiere.London]

It was indeed an honor to have the director tweeted my article ~ [] and quite an interesting experience for me to be able to help and take selfie with the director. Such an incident made me feel fabulous.

It was a quarter till six o’clock, and my heart was beating faster and faster as the time went by.  Yoshiki was still nowhere to be found.  According to his Facebook, his arrival time was 6:00pm. It was a long lasting 15 minutes.  Just as what I would usually do, I walked around and talked to strangers, staff, and random people. A superstar like Yoshiki would always be late rather than being early or on time. That was what I had in my mind.

Life is, as presented in the We Are X film, unexpected, unpredictable, interesting, beautiful, and full of surprises.

While I was walking down the staircase trying to chat with the staff again, screaming noise came from the entrance. Before I could realize and react, a gorgeous gentleman with his beautiful face behind Ray-Ban sunglasses inside a red-and-black velvet long jacket appeared in front of me from virtually nowhere. “YOSHIKI” was the only word that leaked out from my month, and the only action I was able to take was to insert my right hand into my right pocket and got my iPhone out from it to shoot a photo of this smiling-and-walking-quietly-but-quickly celebrity within a nano-second  of time.

I also carried a Nikon camera my father lent me and at that time the Nikon camera had zero efficiency and played no role to the event since my brain and arms were too slow to react. Several pounds of weight that was hanging around my neck made no sense to me at this particular moment.

Finally, this image was the only photo of Yoshiki I took with my iPhone before the Premiere, while I spent all afternoon strategically figuring out how to get the best angle and take the greatest shots of him with my Nikon camera.

Life is out of control most of the time, so is the camera sometimes.

Copyright © 2017 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20170225 X Japan @ London 2017 ~ Prelude]


London.  My favorite city – amongst the cities I have visited so far in my life in the past x years.

In December 2016, I bumped into a film, “We Are X”, that “changed my perspective to life, changed my attitude to life, and changed my approach toward life.” ~ []  After my first encounter with X Japan introduced by the “We Are X” film on 18 December 2017, I kept going to the cinemas in Hong Kong and watched it for 5 more times. I keep doubting myself why this film did not win any awards from the Oscars (Academy Awards).  It is a shame that an awesome film like this would not be recognized for its outstanding quality.  Due to the superb quality that rarely exists in a film, I urge myself to watch it as long as it is shown in the cinema.  After the Hong Kong “special screening”, it was being shown in the “Picture Houses” in London.  I therefore watched it 3 more times in the Pictures Houses in London, and then 1 more time on a larger-than-IMAX-screen at the X Japan concert in the Wembley Arena in London a few months later.

In between, it happened that the “YOSHIKI Classical Special with Orchestra – HONG KONG” was held on 29 December 2017 in Hong Kong.  Something pathetic happened to the concert – it was nearly being cancelled.  Nevertheless, the way Yoshiki handled the situation regarding the concert matter, his reaction to what had happened, and how he treated the people who supposed to be responsible for the issue drew my attention to his personal characteristic and made me respect and appreciate him more as a human being in addition to my admiration for him being a talented musician.

I started listening to Yoshiki’s classical music, orchestral music as well as his heavy metal, hard rock, and punk music (whatever people categorize him/his band) he created for his band X Japan.  In fact, he also composed the orchestral versions for the X Japan songs and released albums for them.  The crossover between the classical and the band sounds by Yoshiki embarked such a magical effect that keeps the audience listen to their songs again and again because the songs cover wide variety of music elements on top of the already breathtaking melody and the poetlike lyrics.

After discovering the drum playing style and the piano playing skills, I understand why people could be inextricably attracted to Yoshiki. His drum playing is not only of a high-level skills presentation, that is extremely fast, precise and rhythmic, but also blends in with his body and soul.  His piano playing is not only special and sophisticated, but also a display of passion, expression, and emotion.  His playing is more than an eye-pleasing performance, it is like striving to intrude his passion and life into his audience’s heart, mind, and soul.

The more I watch X Japan’s live concert with my computer on the internet, the more I want to watch them live with my naked eyes on real stage.

Then, I heard that X Japan had planned to have a concert in my favorite city – London in March 2017.  Seriously I told myself, that I have to seize the chance to watch them.  I am not allowing myself to regret again after not listening to their music for the past 35 years and missing all of their concerts throughout the past years.  I am convinced that attending and participating a live concert of X Japan is one of the must-do things in life.

My original plan was to fly to catch the X Japan concert on the day of arrival and then spend the rest of the week traveling in London. But a wise friend of mine suggested me to swap my plan – to tour around town first, and save the best for last.  At the end, I cannot thank my friend enough, that his wisdom created the opportunity for me to see Yoshiki and met the director Stephen Kijak in person during “We Are X” Film London Premiere and the Q&A session.  My friend’s advice also led me to meet the full band of X Japan (Yoshiki, Toshl, Pata, Heath, and Sugizo) during their first-in-twenty-year’s signing event at HMV in London on the day of release of the “We are X” Soundtrack CD.

In the night of 25 February 2017, “after having lost the precious time of the past years not enjoying the best music possible found on earth“, I headed to my favorite city to see The First Live concert of my favorite band in my life.

Copyright © 2017 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20170214 ~ My Valentine: “We Are X”]


[20161218©winnieup. WeAreXFilm@Broadway.TheOne.TST.HK]

Before I watched the film, “We Are X”, I did not know how big X Japan was, nor do I know who Yoshiki is.

One day in December 2016, I was about to watch another movie at a cinema in Hong Kong.  A word “SOLD OUT” on one of the TV screens at the ticket counter area caught my attention. I got curious and found out that it was showing the status of the Special Screening of the film “We Are X”.

The poster of the film showed a drummer standing on top of the drum-set, and the description stated that it was a film about the band, X Japan.  X Japan, I remember seeing their vinyl album cover back in the 80s, they were heavy metal rock band from Japan.  That was all I knew about the film and the band. I did not know anything about Yoshiki.

Since I started learning drums recently, I thought watching it could be of something interesting. Out of curiosity, I bought myself the last ticket left of the next show. As such, I bumped into this film by total accident.

An accident that changed my perspective to life, changed my attitude to life, and changed my approach toward life.

People say that they watch this movie because of X Japan, or because of Yoshiki. To the entire opposite, I watch it because I know absolutely nothing at all about X Japan nor have I heard any songs being composed, performed, arranged, played, or produced by its bandleader, Yoshiki.

Yet, after watching the film, I keep watching the film.  After start listening to X Japan and Yoshiki’s music, I cannot stop listening to their music.

Now, I have a strong feeling that I have wasted the past 35 years of my life NOT listening to X Japan and Yoshiki’s songs. I feel that I have lost the precious time of the past years not enjoying the best music possible found on earth. I regretted genuinely not knowing Yoshiki earlier for the admiration of his skills of drum playing; for the discovery of cross-boundary mix of classical and rock music; plus, for the appreciation of his passion and dedication for music and piano playing so I could be practicing piano more persistently when I was a little kid.

The excitement, brings to me from a film, is that I do not know what is going on and what might appear next on the big screen. I like surprise. The fact that I know completely nothing (but their name) about X Japan brought me mind-blowing experience watching this film. I was in shock, during and after, watching this film.

Although the film appears to be presented in piecemeal format and a timeline not too easy to follow, I find it inescapably represents what it is trying to talk about: Life.  Life, as a matter of fact, is always unexpected, out of order, and fragmented; things in life could happen quite suddenly and abruptly, often similar to this manner. The way the director edits the film might have messed up the logical mindset of the audience, yet indeed it fits the mood and rhythm of the film, and sets precisely what the mode should be for this piece of documentary, ambitiously saying that life is not logical.

Life is never predictable. Unexpected incidents happen all the time. Speaking of which, due to this “total accident” bumping into this film, I submersed myself into one of the best, breathe-taking, eye-opening, and undoubtedly enjoyable moments of my life – watching the film, We Are X.

Just like a song has an intro and outro, the movie also starts and ends with gorgeous images along with beautiful music of X Japan and Yoshiki’s. The film brilliantly presents the heart of the history of X Japan with the (relatively new, 2011) song  “Jade” at the beginning of the film.  The intro is so attractive that blocks everything else away from my mind, and drives me deeply into the abyss of the film.

Usually, documentary films discuss or disclose about a story. Yet, We Are X engages a story rather than displaying it to its audience. On one hand, someone like me, who knew nothing about the band, have been educated by the film about the rich history of X Japan; at the same time, I overwhelmingly felt and experienced the successfulness and the painfulness that they had gone through throughout the years with them via the film. After a stream of dramatic yet realistic facts being presented in front of the audience, the film ends with the concert of the reunited X Japan, along with the their stunning new theme song of the film “La Venus”.

By opening with the still images of the original members of X Japan with “Jade” as the background music, and ending with the motion video of the reunited X Japan with “La Venus” plus many other mind-blowing songs of X Japan revealing the bittersweet story of the members in between. “We Are X” is not only an entertaining and documenting film, but also a brilliantly made memorable masterpiece.

No matter how many times I watch the movie, it never seems enough. The film “We are X” is not only about “death and life of X Japan”, as quoted in the flyers, it is also about everything in between: love, friendship, family, fame, depression, self-saving, self-destroying, pioneering, rebellious, innovation, boldness, pride, jealousy, selfishness, success, failure, happiness, tragedy, leadership, conflicts, lost, gain, hope, hopelessness, hatred, give-up, pain, decency, culture, society, norm, ignorance, art, music, broke-up, reunited, memory, dreams, and human being.

Life, as sophisticated as X Japan’s, can be elegant, tasteful, painful, and altogether, beautiful. In addition to its unpredictable and surprising nature, when you look back, you can still feel the abundance of it.  Although painful memories must be part of it, life can still bring you light and strength as long as you can find a way to “co-exist with the pains” (quoted from Yoshiki).

Watching “We Are X” is incomparable with watching any other film I have ever seen. Surrounded by extreme darkness, sitting in front of a huge screen, enjoying a splendid film, listening to the impressive music, glancing over the stunning images, and going through the overwhelming, dramatic, and outraging history of X Japan and Yoshiki, I feel like I am not merely watching a film, but also going through life and death and everything in between together with them, in tears and through my heart, all within 93 minutes of time.

Eventually, as of the issue date of this article, I have watched it in the cinema for six times. If it keeps being shown in the cinema, I will keep watching it again and again. Every time I watch it, it seems like layers of life of X Japan being peeled off, and different levels of fruitful yet unpredictable thunders being poured out for the audience to taste; for the eyes, for the ears, for the mind, and for the heart to grasp and absorb. I can keep watching it, and keep discovering how the director “Introducing X Japan…Japan…Japan…!

Copyright © 2017 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20160808 – 是時候想念]


日月如梭光陰似箭,從從前對妳的痴纏,到到處遊玩不再對妳掛念,有一段時間實在不想與妳有任何牽連。 外面的世界對我來說的而且確太新鮮,而妳的歷史和存在於我已開始厭倦,所有與妳有關係的人物事情物件,我也無心關心無力點算。 東南西北四方八面,總有好奇或好事的人們向我問起妳的一點點,我漸漸,迴避逃避避免,他們的話題中有機會讓妳的名字出現;想否認曾經與妳情牽一線。 是愛得太深恨成反面,還是感情太淺﹖ 我毫無頭緒腦筋混亂,只知對妳的感覺突然消失似煙,感觸消失得這麼突然……

還清楚記得事情發生不太久遠,為了妳的努力我支持不斷,為了妳的成功我喝采難眠。 日復一日掛念,心頭腦際都在渴望妳的出現,整天回味妳令我引以為榮的出眾表現。 祗要聽著看著想著會有妳在的場面,我必定忘返地流連,要控制自己尖叫著的聲線。 我為了妳試過淚光暗閃,經歷過感動場面,感受過哽咽;妳也為了我跨越過許多試煉,付出過犧牲、承受過轉變。 當時我的心仍緊貼妳旁邊,會目不轉睛的盯著妳的臉,愛妳的所有優點及缺點,百分百的接納妳好的和壞的各方面……

捱不了多少年,我發覺自己在不擇手段,用盡辦法要將我們間的關係絕緣。 像天下間許多不幸的愛情故事一樣我們的故事沒法子繼續發展,對不起我沒有說對不起或再見,就此了斷。 原因不詳不過解釋也不短,不如不說便算。 總之總在畫清界線,我有我的生活新的打算,理不了妳有甚麼的發展,往甚麼方向盤旋;免不了都不想跟妳有任何糾纏。

不過最近我發覺自己的再次心軟,看著妳又在世人面前,綻放光芒遙遙領先,其他國家都變得失色黯然。 跳水排球羽毛球乒乓球每仗也贏得漂亮必然,離開了我四年的愛國心情突然又重新湧現心田,感動和激動的淚水,再次沾濕我面。

看著紅色五星旗緩緩升起國歌飄耳邊,也許是時候想念。 我反覆思考對祖國的情誼竟然是那麼膚淺片面,內疚感佔據著我身體髮膚的每一吋、侵蝕著我辜負了的中國遺傳!


Copyright © 2016 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.

[20160404 – 我們的問題和我們的問題]







Copyright © 2016 winnieup. All Rights Reserved.